AMS workshop: writing a good abstract
Who recognizes this? Writing an abstract is extremely simple!
Your paper already contains all the information you need, so you just have to choose some bits and pieces, and you’re done.
Well...not many people share this opinion for 1 obvious reason: that’s not how it works! Writing an abstract is difficult, it’s as simple as that. But fortunately, there is hope! There are tools to make it easier. The beauty of it is that you can also use them for the other sections as well.
So, do you want to make your writing not only easier but also faster at the same time?
Come and join the workshop of Freek Pool, a creative writing specialist.
Sign-up information: Please sign up before March 4, '25, using the registration form below. There's a limited number of places; first come first serve!
Bring one of your own abstracts to the workshop.
We look forward to seeing you in March!
Organized by the AMS PhD committee: Dax Houtkamp, Juul van Grootel, Timo van den Bogaard and Charlotte van Westerhuis.