Course: Participatory action research


Funders, policy-makers and research organizations increasingly expect a participatory approach in research projects. Are you also interested in participatory action research? Sign up for this course!

The course takes place November 12, 13 and 14. APH researcher can get a discount. The course is equivalent to 3 ECTS.

This course will be held in Dutch, by researchers of Amsterdam UMC, department of Ethics, Law and Humanities:
Dr. Christine Dedding, Associate Professor Participatio & Co-creation
Dr. Nicole Goedhart, onderzoeker/docent participative action reseach
Saskia Duijs, MSc., lecturer and researcher

See the School for Participation website for more information and registration.

Date and Location

TimeFrom 09:30 to 16:30

Start dateWednesday, November 12, 2025

Costs and registration

See the website for more information and registration.

The course costs €1.900,- (including location and catering, materials, book(s) and access to the PAR education network, exclusing BTW). APH researchers will get 25% discount.


School for participation:
